NAPBIRT is an individual membership association. Memberships are not issued to businesses or institutions. Classifications for membership listed below are set forth by the NAPBIRT BYLAWS Article III, Section 2. Applications for membership are to be completed electronically using this website. (We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express)
If an applicant should be found ineligible for membership, they will be informed via email. The applicant will forfeit the application fee of $20.00 but the annual dues payment will be refunded in full. MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS Any person who has been or is presently involved in the profession of restoring, reconditioning or repairing of musical instruments may be considered a candidate for membership provided that he/she has the technical skills to derive at least 50% of their income from an occupation in musical instrument technology and is at least 18 years of age. MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICATION APPRENTICE/STUDENT MEMBERSHIP shall be available to any person in an acceptable training situation as defined in Article III, Section 1, Paragraph A, Subsection c. This membership shall exclude the right to hold office, vote, or introduce business and resolutions, or display the NAPBIRT logo except as provided for in Article III, Section 5. The Apprentice/Student Membership level is available for a maximum of two consecutive years. The Apprentice/Student level discount also applies to the registration fees for the National Conference for two consecutive years. Regional Conference fees will be the same as for a Professional level membership. First Year Dues: 105.00 Application Fee: 20.00 Total: $125.00 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP shall be made available to individuals associated with the industry either as a manufacturer/supplier/jobber of band instrument related parts, tools, accessories or supplies. This membership is open to those individuals that have an avocational interest in musical instrument technology. This membership shall exclude the right to hold office, vote, introduce business and resolutions or display the NAPBIRT logo except as provided in Article III, Section 5 of the NAPBIRT BYLAWS. First Year Dues: 150.00 Application Fee: 20.00 Total: $170.00 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP shall be available to any person who has been or is presently involved in the profession of restoring, reconditioning or repairing musical instruments provided that he/she has the technical skills to derive at least 50% of their income from an occupation in musical instrument repair technology, is at least 18 years of age, has acquired his/her professional skill by successfully completing a recognized course in musical instrument repair or has apprenticed under an established technician no less than three years or is self-taught and has practiced for at least five years. First Year Dues: 150.00 Application Fee: 20.00 Total: $170.00 |
Regional Clinic - Buena Park, CA
Regional Clinic - Wheaton, MD